Monday, June 20, 2011

Interesting facts about oil

I was watching this food myth programme just the other day and realised...hmm....haven't updated this post for a vvveeerrrrryyyyy long time thought I'd do something about it...hehe...

I can't believe I actually made notes while watching a TV programme....I KNOW, right??!! much nerdier can I get...haha..anyway, these are the interesting things I've learnt...


  • Did you know that different oils have different smoking points and these would determine how high a temperature they can go up to before they start smoking.
So, oils with higher smoking points (such as canola, rice bran, coconut oil...) would be better for deep frying
  • Did you know that refined oils (oils that are treated to 'purify' them) have a higher smoking point.
Eg. soybean oil that has been refined has a smoking point of 268 °C compared to the unrefined smoking point of 160°C *

  • Olive oil tend to be less refined and therefore has a lower smoking point, thus it is dangerous to use it for prolong high heating as it may become a fire hazard. (They actually did an experiment and the oil really lit up!!)
Virgin and extra virgin olive oil simply means that the oil was extracted without the use of heat; and extra virgin has less acidity compared to the virgin.

Also, don't be fooled that pure or light olive oil have less calories because light or pure simply means that they are treated and processed and therefore mean that they are more refined
And so, this means pure or light olive oil can be use for higher heating cooking processes (eg. deep frying)

  • Olive oil should be eaten as fresh as possible.
So, even though some imported brands of olive oil may be better quality, however, it'll probably be a better idea to get local brands as these would be fresher. And another plus since they'd also be cheaper.

Check on the label for the pressed date of the olive oil and it's best to consume within the year that it was pressed.

  • Ever thought about changing your everyday oil to olive oil because you heard that olive oil was a "healthier"oil
Well, studies have shown that canola oil was found to lower heart risk more than olive oil.

So, probably a better idea to switch to canola instead, PLUS it's cheaper!!

  • Always store oil in a cool, dark place as they are sensitive to heat and light and exposure to these would make it rancid
Rancid oil has an unpleasant aroma and acrid taste and it's nutrient value would also be reduced

*Wolke, Robert L. (May 16, 2007). "Where There's Smoke, There's a Fryer". The Washington Post. Retrieved March 5, 2011.


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