About 1 tsp mashed salted fish (yes, you did not read wrong!...since anchovies are harder to get here, so I decided to do a little taste trial with this)
½ handful of nuts (I used walnuts because can’t bite things that are too hard)
Bit of olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
Chop all the ingredients and crumble a little blue cheese into the mix.

I tried using our tiny food processor but it didn't really work out as I expected, so, the good old chopping board it was...
I grilled the eggplants to soften them first, then rolled it with the pesto filling and secured it with a toothpick. I also made a little mock ratatouille for the sauce.

I know it’s not exactly the prettiest looking dish, but it did taste quite nice.
And yes, keep reminding me that I need to get a better quality camera.
So that was the roast, and just a few nights ago I made this apple salad as an accompaniment to our homemade burger.
¾ apple, sliced into thin wedges
Blue cheese, depending on how much you want
½ handful of walnut pieces
Homemade balsamic vinaigrette
Some lettuce
1 small lemon, cut into wedges

Mix it all together and voila!!
The first bite my dad took and you should have seen his worried, disgusted face going “don’t eat the dressing anymore…the oil’s rancid”. But in my head I was thinking “meh! He discovered the blue cheese!...and he doesn’t like it….”.
Took a bit of convincing my parents that it was the blue cheese not the vinaigrette, I even had to pick out the blue cheese and made them smell it.
Their repulsed faces said it all -- no more blue cheese in salads it is!
Did you think I’d give up that easily??..No way! ...only makes me more determined to find a dish that they’d love and watch them wolf down that smelly yummy-ness.
Funnily enough, though I must say, blue cheese isn’t exactly the yummiest in a warmer climate. But enough said, try out the salad, I still think it’s quite nice.