Monday, October 06, 2008

NEWS of the day

Interesting news
did you know...
...that vitamin B12 is actually not obtained because of the meat you eat (well, of course it is because of it, but it does not originate from the animal...)
the animal you eat actually eats bacterial contaminated food, ie. for cows--it's grass and this causes it to produce vitamin B12 in the rumen....
WELL, that's not all.....
did you know...
...that there was a human trial which gave vitamin B12 supplements to subjects that are derived from feces...eww....!!
so, technically, if you eat the meat of an animal which is super clean, ie. it does not consume any bacteria and is vitamin B12 deficient, you don't get vitaminB12 as well....hmm....
imagine that, that's like indirectly eating poo....hmm.....grilled poo...eww....i think i'll still stick to frankfurters...hehe...
well, that's me for now again....
sorry folks for the disgusting post today...but it was kinda interesting, so i thought i should share it...hehe

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

"I heard...", BUT is it true?...

Hello, as I have been introduced by our chef a few weeks ago, thought I should make an appearance (finally..haha)
ok, as many of you have heard about the many health claims nowadays and the "you should eat this" or "I heard we shouldn't eat that..", well...let's take a look at how many of these are actually true...hmm....

~Eating too many eggs will raise your cholesterol
egg yolks contain cholesterol but this is dietary cholesterol and only has a small influence on
your blood cholesterol compared to the saturated fat in your diet. eggs are a good source of
protein, Vitamin B12 and monounsaturated fat. eating 4-5 eggs a week is unlikely to harm

~Chocolate is a health food
As much as all you out there would love to hear that the is a truth, well, hehe...actually...
Although cocoa beans used in chocolate contain flavanoids (which has been shown to reduce
LDL["bad"] cholesterol and enhance HDL ["good"] cholesterol. BUT....chocolate still isn't good
for you. it contains 15-20% saturated fat and usually lots of sugar. however, don't worry,
small quantities won't harm you, so as long as you don't scoff down that whole cadbury king
size's ok.

Alright, I think that's me for now...

Watch out for more food myths from me next time...

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